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Vincent Roumagnac

Vincent Roumagnac

Nómade's collaborations:

Basque Country, France,1973.
Roumagnac has an artistic background as theater artist (actor/director). After years of transdisciplinary experiments on theater and intermedial art via exhibitions, installations, performances, he investigates on plural temporalities of live representation engaging with the notion of “heterochronic theater”. His projects have been shown in different European and international venues and biennales in France, Germany, Finland, Iceland, Argentina, Japan, China. Since 2009 he’s a member of the platform of european artists and researchers, since 2010 he collaborates with Finnish choreographer Simo Kellokumpu and since 2012 with French photographer Aurélie Pétrel. In 2015 he initiates a doctorate in artistic research at the Performing Arts Research Center (TUTKE) in the University of the Arts of Helsinki (Theater Academy). Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.